LightSpy: Implant for macOS
29 May 2024

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In October 2023 we posted our research about the notorious surveillance framework LightSpy2. In our research, we proved with a high degree of confidence that both implants for Android and iOS came from the same developer and shared the same network infrastructure, but also that they were just a small part of a larger framework.
At the moment of that publication, we knew that the framework was supposed to contain implants for at least four more platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, and so-called Router.
We believe that threat actors could gain access not only to mobile and desktop devices, but also to network devices of the following brands: Netgear, Linksys, and Asus.
Unfortunately, we could not confirm that those platforms were supported since, at the time, we had not seen any evidence or telemetry. However, we kept tracking the threat actor group and on 21 January 2024, we got such evidence.
Since we obtained a lot of materials to share, we will publish our research as a series of connected blogs. In this report, we want to uncover all the LightSpy components related to macOS attacks. The next part will cover the recent iOS version with 28 plugins.
We are grateful to Huntress researchers team for their report highlighting the same set of LightSpy samples targeting macOS users around 2018-2020 years which was previously mistakenly reported as targeting iOS by other researchers. At the same time, we would like to extend that report with some valuable technical details we found during our investigation.
Research summary
- The Threat actor group used two publicly available exploits (CVE-2018-4233, CVE-2018-4404) to deliver implants for macOS. Part of the CVE-2018-4404 exploit is likely borrowed from Metasploit framework. macOS version 10 was targeted using those exploits.
- LightSpy for macOS supported 10 plugins to exfiltrate private information from affected desktop systems.
- The administration panel named “DNS Traffic traction analysis system” contains traces potentially related to DNS poisoning attack vector.
Starting from January 11, 2024, several URLs were uploaded to VirusTotal, all containing the number "96382741" already used as a path name for LightSpy Android and iOS file hosting. The URLs pointed to HTML and JavaScript files that contained the same strings, and that were published on Github and were relevant to CVE-2018-4233 vulnerability, which was found in WebKit and targeted macOS version 10.13.3 and iOS version before 11.4.
We downloaded all the files and analysed them. Our initial hypothesis was that we faced a new campaign that could target the recent macOS version (which was not proved), but as the result of this investigation, we came to the attack kill chain for macOS that we describe further.
Technical analysis
Initial stage
The starting point threat actor group used the same approach as for iOS implant distribution: triggering WebKit vulnerability inside Safari to perform unprivileged arbitrary code execution. For macOS, attackers used CVE-2018-4233 exploit, whose source code was published on the 18th of August 2018.
Since the vulnerability affected both iOS and macOS WebKits, both iOS and macOS implants might have been delivered in the same way for some time. The difference was in lateral local privilege escalation, which is OS-specific.
Since the RCE exploit was already documented quite well by the author and other researchers, we will not cover it in this report. However, we can say that the only objective of this exploit is to deliver the next stage payload, which is called 20004312341.png.
Intermediate downloader
This "20004312341.png" is actually MachO x86_64 binary executable file. This file is extremely small and it contains only one function "_injection".
This function will decrypt 0x400 bytes which were embedded into "20004312341.png" executable and will launch resulting script using launchd.
There are two noteworthy elements of the "_injection" function:
- the function __spawn_via_launchd will be called with the following argument: net.saelo.hax revealing the nickname of the original author of the exploit.
- The whole function looks like a paste of the code from Metasploit framework file.
The decryption will be done using XOR, the decryption algorithm is identical to LightSpy Android plugin decryption.
LightSpy macOS decryption
LightSpy Android decryption
The resulting script is a plain Bash script that will download three more files using curl utility (which has been bundled with the macOS for many years).
The files downloaded are as follows:
- ssudo MachO x86_64 file. We have not downloaded that file from the control server however we believe that it could be made by compiling the following file Ssudo could be a local privilege escalation exploit which will help LightSpy to gain system access rights during the script execution.
- ddss MachO x86_64 file. This file is capable of encrypting/decrypting the file that was passed as argument. The decryption is the same as we showed above - XOR.
- zip - ZIP archive that contained two more files update and update.plist.
As a result, the script will decrypt and unpack, assign root access rights on both "update" and "update.plist" child files, and archive persistence on the system using launchecrtl. Starting from that moment "update" binary will start during each system boot-up.
Update (macircloader)
This file is designed to set the configuration, download, and start the LightSpy Core providing it with the corresponding C2 information.
The cybercriminals called this component "macircloader", the same naming was used inside the iOS version of the LightSpy.
LightSpy macOS
LightSpy iOS
"Macircloader" will read the configuration embedded into its body and decrypt it using AES cipher with the key 3e2717e8b3873b29 (the same key was used for iOS version).
The configuration contains server IP addresses and ports that will be used for data exfiltration and command and control. It also contains a server path for downloading the information about the Core. The configuration will be saved into config.json file for further usage.
"Macircloader" will query the control server for two additional files:
- macversion.json – this JSON file contains the information about the Core and consists of three parameters:
- date – represents the date when the Core was uploaded to the control server.
- filename – represents the file path by which "macircloader" can access the Core for downloading.
- md5 – represents MD5 hash sum for integrity check.
- macmanifest.json – this JSON file contains the list of plugins for the Core with corresponding file paths and version numbers.
Both files together with the embedded encrypted configuration are part of the full configuration.
"Macircloader" will download, decrypt, and run the Core and corresponding plugins using the full configuration.
The Core (framework plugin ID 10000)
During our investigation, we were able to download only one version of the Core by the following name "C40F0D27" (SHA256 ba4d77387c7b5761893ca2b1e75b2d05733d3fbfb1bb3a2bad81cfc8f641545b).
This "C40F0D27" file is an orchestrator of the whole surveillance framework.
The Core is based on at least two open-source frameworks:
- FMDB, a SQLite ( Objective-C wrapper.
- SocketRocket ( for WebSocket communication with C2.
The main goals of the Core are:
- Gathering device fingerprint.
- Establishing a full connection with the control server.
- Retrieving commands from the server, including commands to download/update plugins.
The developer has organised user-friendly logging for each executable function of the Core, for example during startup the Core file sends the following message to the C2 – “开始启动取证程序” which could be translated using Google Translate to “Start the evidence collection process”:
Similar to the Android version, LightSpy Core for macOS is extremely flexible in terms of configuration and command execution. Both of them use SQLite database to store control server data, commands plan, and so-called dormant control plan. The Core for macOS lacks only one database table that was used in an Android version t_app (Android specific table), all the other tables are the same.
Table name |
Description |
t_config |
LightSpy configuration including control server address and port |
t_plugin |
Plugin-related information including the URL address for each plugin |
t_command_record |
List of shell commands to execute on the device |
t_transport_control |
Network configuration for each command (commands could be executed using Wi-Fi or Cellular network, or using both network types) |
t_dormant_control |
Timetable for each day, hour, and minute when LightSpy should operate or sleep |
t_command_plan |
Configuration for C2 command for the Core and plugins, including execution frequency |
After the Core starts up, it creates the necessary folders by the two following paths:
- /var/containers/Bundle/AppleAppLit/
- /Users/Shared/
After the Core started, it would send the list of permissions that the spyware achieved from the victim’s system; however, most of them were not actual for macOS environment. For example, “CanDrawOverlays” or “ProcessOutgoingCalls” permissions are related to Android implant. Use of such a list of permissions proves that the threat actor group shared the same infrastructure for at least three types of implants: iOS, Android, and macOS versions.
When all the communication with C2 has been established, LightSpy will send extensive fingerprint information about the infected device:
Property name |
Description |
is_root |
Privileged or unprivileged access rights on the device. |
cpuUsage |
Current CPU usage, obtained by using host_processor_info function |
cpuArchitecture |
CPU architecture, value of hw.cputype system property |
cpuName |
CPU architecture name |
cpuMaxFreq |
CPU maximum frequency, value of hw.cpufrequency_max system property |
cpuCoresNum |
Number of CPU cores, value of hw.ncpu system property |
isCpu64 |
True if CPU has 64-bit architecture |
net_type |
Network type |
mac |
Network adapter mac address |
system_version |
macOS version |
memTotal |
Total RAM size |
memAvailable |
Available memory |
sdTotal |
HDD size |
sdAvailable |
HDD available size |
romTotal |
HDD size |
romAvailable |
HDD available size |
metrics |
Screen resolution |
size |
Screen size in inches |
brand |
Device manufacturer |
apk_version |
The Core version |
ip |
Network IP address |
username |
Current username |
device |
Current device name |
Similar to the Android version, the Core for macOS had so-called dormant network control capabilities that control when the Core should wake up and exfiltrate the data or communicate with C2 and which network (Wi-Fi or cellular) the Core should use for each command.
During the investigation, it turned out that the operator was not interested in any custom working timeframes for the LightSpy macOS as the C2 returned zeroes for each weekday.
At the same time the control server provided the network configuration for each type of command:
The description of the command is in the following table:
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
10001 |
Send a heartbeat beacon once |
WebSocket |
10002 |
Send permissions list |
WebSocket |
10003 |
Update network configuration for each command |
WebSocket |
10004 |
Update command plan |
WebSocket |
10005 |
Update plugins |
WebSocket |
10007 |
Send current working plugins versions |
WebSocket |
10009 |
Used as ID for all plugins while sending their data |
WebSocket |
10013 |
Used as ID for while sending heartbeat signals |
WebSocket |
10015 |
Used while uploading the Core execution log file |
WebSocket and /api/phone_file/ |
10016 |
Used while sending sleep status the Core execution log file |
WebSocket |
10017 |
Send plugin status |
WebSocket |
10018 |
Send permissions status |
WebSocket |
10019 |
Force update plugins |
WebSocket |
The LightSpy macOS plugins
The layout of the macOS versions of the implant is the same as for Android and iOS: The Core serves as a command dispatcher and additional plugins extend the functionality. Both the Core and plugins could be updated dynamically by a command from C2.
The list and functionality of the plugins for the macOS version differs from other implants as the target platform differs. The notable moment is that the desktop version does not cover as many exfiltration functions as the mobile version did.
During our investigation, we downloaded and analyse the following list of plugins.
Name |
Version |
Brief description |
soundrecord |
2.3.1 |
Sound recording plugin |
browser |
3.2.13 |
Safari and Chrome history exfiltration plugin |
cameramodule |
1.5.1 |
Camera shooting plugin |
FileManage |
1.3.2 |
File exfiltration plugin |
keychain |
3.1.1 |
Apple Key Chain contents exfiltration plugin |
LanDevices |
4.2.2 |
Local network environment exfiltration plugin |
softlist |
4.2.2 |
Current running processes list and installed software exfiltration plugin |
ScreenRecorder |
2.1.2 |
Screen recording exfiltration plugin |
ShellCommand |
1.3.2 |
Remote shell plugin |
wifi |
1.3.2 |
Wi-Fi nearby list and Wi-Fi connection history exfiltration plugin |
"soundrecord" plugin (plugin ID 18000)
This plugin is capable of recording audio from the device microphone, if available. Operators can schedule a microphone recording providing the duration for how long the plugin should perform the recording. It is also possible to interrupt ongoing recording by the same command.
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
18002 |
Start/stop microphone recording |
/api/phone_file/ |
"browser" plugin (plugin ID 14000)
This plugin is responsible for the browser history exfiltration. Two browsers supported are Safari and Chrome. The plugin will parse the following files:
- /Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History
- /Library/Safari/History.db
The following parameters will be exfiltrated:
- Time of the visit
- Web page title
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
14001 |
Start browser's data exfiltration |
/api/browser_history/ |
"cameramodule" plugin (plugin ID 19000)
This plugin is responsible for taking pictures from available video devices such as the front camera of a MacBook. For that purpose, the plugin will utilise the already deprecated macOS API class AVCaptureStillImageOutput. The resulting image will be saved as a JPEG file with the name which represents the date and time.
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
19001 |
Take one camera shot |
/api/phone_file/ |
"FileManage" plugin (plugin ID 15000)
This plugin is responsible for file system data exfiltration and manipulation. Operators can copy, move, and delete files and directories. There is one particularly interesting function inside this plugin - "GetAppDir".
With the help of this function operator can exfiltrate files from the three messengers: WeChat (WeiXin), Telegram, and Tencent QQ.
For QQ messenger the plugin will search for QQ shared app folder by package name "com.tencent.mqq" and enumerate subfolders and files by the following path names:
- Documents
- image_original
- image_thumbnail
- Audio
- ShortVideo
- FileRecv
For Telegram messenger the plugin will search the shared app folder by package name "" and enumerate subfolders and files by the following path name "postbox/media". This folder is used for caching the media files of the Telegram user.
For WeChat messenger, the plugin will search the shared app folder by package name "". Inside that shared folder it will access the "Documents" subfolder and will enumerate files inside the following subfolders:
- Audio
- Img
- Video
- OpenData
The results of gathering data as well as command execution results will be JSON objects that will be sent using SendCommandOver function, which is exported from the Core. This function will send JSON data using WebSocket connection.
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
15001 |
Get directory tree for specified folder |
WebSocket |
15002 |
Upload to C2 specified file from victim |
/api/phone_file/ |
15003 |
Download from C2 specified file to victim |
Any URL |
15004 |
Delete specified file |
WebSocket |
15005 |
Send the status of the command to C2 |
WebSocket |
15006 |
Send the status of the command to C2 |
WebSocket |
15007 |
Send the status of the command to C2 |
WebSocket |
15008 |
Create directory by specified path |
WebSocket |
15009 |
Rename the specified file |
WebSocket |
15010 |
Move file |
WebSocket |
15011 |
Copy file |
WebSocket |
15012 |
Get directory tree for the specified messenger app (“qq”, “wechat”, “telegram”) |
WebSocket |
"Keychain" plugin (plugin ID 31000)
This plugin is responsible for the exfiltration of passwords, certificates, and keys from Keychain. In this way, attackers can gain access to Wi-Fi passwords as they are also stored inside the Keychain.
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
31001 |
Extract keychain data |
/api/keychain/ |
"LanDevices" (plugin ID 33000)
This plugin is responsible for basic network scanning to find all the devices within the same network to which the victim is connected. The plugin is based on SimplePing framework which is used for pinging the host and checking the availability of the corresponding device.
The plugin will calculate the list of potentially interesting devices using the IP address of the currently connected network and subnet mask. It will ping each one of them and will try to recognise the following list of parameters:
- Device brand
- Device hostname
- Device IP address
- Device mac address
- Device subnet mask
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
33001 |
Exfiltrate nearby devices network information |
/api/lan_devices/ |
"Softlist" plugin (plugin ID 16000)
This plugin is responsible for exfiltration of two lists:
- installed applications list;
- current running processes list.
To enumerate the installed applications the plugin will list the Applications folder and for each subfolder will try to open Info.plist which contains the application details. The following parameters will be extracted for each plist file:
- CFBundleName – human readable name of the install application
- CFBundleIdentifier – application package name
- CFBundleShortVersionString – application version
To enumerate the current running process the plugin will call "runningApplications" method from "sharedWorkspace" class. The following list of parameters will be exfiltrated:
- Process identifier,
- Process path,
- Process data path,
- Bundle name.
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
16001 |
Exfiltrate the list of installed applications |
/api/app/ |
16002 |
Exfiltrate the list of currently running processes |
/api/process/ |
"ScreenRecorder" (plugin ID 34000)
This plugin is responsible for capturing video from the main display of the device.
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
34001 |
Start/Stop screen capture |
/api/phone_file/ |
"ShellCommand" (plugin ID 20000)
This plugin is responsible for providing the remote shell to the operator.
"Wifi" plugin (plugin ID 17000)
This plugin is responsible for WiFi network data exfiltration.
This plugin is based on Apple native API from the following CWWiFiClient class and it is responsible for Wi-Fi network information exfiltration.
The plugin itself will not perform any Wi-Fi scanning, instead it will use cached scan results from the system.
The following Wi-Fi network attributes will exfiltrated:
- Supported security type,
- Encryption type,
- RSSI value.
Together with that, the plugin will parse the following file for the network-related information: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
Command ID |
Description |
Backend endpoint path |
17001 |
Get the listing of Wi-Fi networks that are nearby. |
17002 |
Get the Wi-Fi networks connection history
During our investigation, we checked all already known hosts that were related to LightSpy and we could not confirm any host other than 103.27.109[.]217 related to the macOS campaign. However, we found almost the same panel on a few other hosts that were related to LightSpy.
On March 21, 2024, there was the first occurrence of the panel content on VirusTotal, it was a background of the web page.
A day later, on March 22, 2024, there was the first occurrence of the panel URL on VirusTotal.
The corresponding IP address was related to Android LightSpy and was disclosed by Lookout but the structure of the URL path was unknown.
From that moment we started to analyse the panel itself. From the first glance, the panel appeared as it can be seen below:
However, the code serving that panel contains a critical mistake: it checks for authorisation only after all the scripts are loaded by the browser. This means that when we load the page, for less than a second, we can see it as authenticated users would. Here’s the picture we saw (each button has been translated using Google Translate, with red text for better understanding, acknowledging potential inaccuracies).
We believe that this web page serves as a high-level panel to track the entire campaign, containing generic information about attacked devices. This information is suitable for victim profile analysis but does not include the precise data that LightSpy implants can exfiltrate.
However, in the top right corner of the window, there was a button labeled “Remote control platform,” pointing to another panel on the same control server. Due to catastrophic misconfiguration, we were able to access this panel, and anyone could do the same by accessing the top-level panel.
This panel contained comprehensive information about victims, fully correlating with all the exfiltration data provided in the technical analysis section of this report.
We can see that there were three different groups of victims: "202206", "支持设备(supporting device)" and "default". The last group contained those victims who provided invalid configurations during communication with C2, with high confidence we can say that those devices are security researchers' devices.
The other two groups contained a list of macOS and iOS devices and all of them were old: macOS version 10.13.4 and iOS version 12.1.2 refers to 2017-2020 years,
The victim window consists of the seven sections that correlate with the LightSpy plugins layout, for instance, there is a remote shell section, the same function we’ve seen inside the plugin “ShellCommand” or App/Proccess section represents the data that came from “Softlist” plugin.
Analysing the list of victims inside the panel we concluded that some of them could be attackers themselves. For example, one of the devices had a browser history full of URLs to the HTML file with RCE exploit of the initial infection vector.
The same footprint we noticed for the iOS devices; the messenger’s history log contained only test messages.
We extracted all the victim’s information from the panel and tried to figure out is there was any real victim: not a researcher device and not an attacker test machine.
As far as we can see, 9 out of 20 devices were connected to a Wi-Fi network with the SSID "Haso_618".
Since five other devices were in the same location and online during the same timeframe (October 2022), it is likely they are also test devices.
Three macOS devices from the United Kingdom and USA, and two Android devices were probably researchers' devices as they were recently online. This campaign likely operated around 2022.
The remaining device, connected to "NVPN_09_9B_F4_5G," accessed the web page with RCE exploits multiple times, suggesting it is not a victim.
Summarising these assumptions, we conclude that this particular panel page probably does not contain any real victims but provides some information about the actors behind it.
We are certain that LightSpy for macOS echoes a campaign conducted a few years ago. Nonetheless, investigating this sophisticated spyware toolset was still intriguing, offering insights into the goals of the threat actor and the specific information they sought.
It became evident that regardless of the targeted platform, the threat actor group focused on intercepting victim communications, such as messenger conversations and voice recordings. For macOS, a specialised plugin was designed for network discovery, aiming to identify devices in proximity to the victim.
Despite our findings, some aspects of the LightSpy puzzle remain elusive. There is no evidence confirming the existence of implants for Linux and routers, nor is there information on how they might be delivered. However, their potential functionality is known based on panel analysis.
We will continue monitoring LightSpy and endeavor to identify related samples
Indicators of compromise
Control servers:
File SHA256 hashes:
Stage 0 Exploit
Stage1 Dropper, downloader
Bash script unxored
Ddss – decryption binary
Stage 2 Updater, Orchestrator
fcd864b79d6108c7e6615a5e1202669098ea34ab431624f6b0ab762229937552 XOR-decoded
The Core (C40F0D27 file)
C40F0D27 XOR-decoded
Stage 3 Plugins
XOR-decoded plugins